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a.  Best Library of Science for Christians  and great LINKS
b.     Bible Verse-by Verse teaching Church CCA
c.      Excellent Title on Theology of IDOLATRY: “We Become What We Worship” G.K Beale IVP Academic 2008. Amazon, GooglePlay, 223907846
d.     Ken Ham “The Ark” :
e.     Fortelling Proof of “Outside of Time” Chuck Missler Palm Sunday
f.       Noah’s Ark Encounter
g.     Journal or magazines of Humanist’s agenda:
h.     RC Sproul “Renewing your Mind “
i.       Institute for Creation Research
j.       Answers in genesis
l.       Creation Astronomy, Spike Psarris Beautiful Starry Presentation:
m.    Policies of the NEA on higher Ed.:
o.     Don Stewart Web page:
p.     Youtube “I will be your God and you will be my people”:
q.     Boy Scouts of America
r.       Discovery Institute/Center for Science and Culture:
s.      Ray Comfort, Living Waters. Way of the Master:
t.       Ravi Zacharias Institute:
u.     John C. Lennox Oxford Professor of Mathematics
v.      William Lane Craig Professor of philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, La Mirada, CA.
w.    Learn the goals of social Darwinism. Prochoice, slavery, labeling Nationalism as Fascism, and Globalism as Freedom.  The biggest Hitlerian LIE is to make the good guys the bad guys….bait and switch by 5 media owners of movies, comedy, arts, newspapers and Journals.  They have replaced the Democratic Party. Crazy.
x.      Billy Graham and Franklin Graham’s ministry magazine:
y.--- Robert Morris   Theological Talks of contemporary interest:

z.    Real Life Ministries. Non-Denominational Church in Idaho:
      Remember when you are upset with someone invading your safespace created by the faculty: “A certain amount of moral indignation is a characteristic of a late teen” so.  Stand on your two feet and argue your case like the warrior you are. Discussion/debate is the key to clear thinking as is the fact that “writing clarifies thinking”.

Mike Harris wonderful bible teaching

Secular Libraries  And Research locations:
•    Library of Congress
•    The Smithsonian Institution Home Page
•    New York City Public Library
•    Central Intelligence Agency
•    The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
•    The Skeptical Inquirer
•    Stanford University
•    UC Berkeley Home Pages
   Stanford Physics Department
•    USC Libraries (Uni. of Southern Calif.)
•    Britannica Online
•        (articles, most journals and case law)
•       (patents)
Mainstream Science locations: (recommended by Lambert Dolphin)
•    Molecular Expressions: Images from the Microscope
•    World Science ("global science long before it's in the papers")
•    SRI International, (Menlo Park, California)
•    Lawrence Livermore Labs Science and Technology Review
•    The American Physical Society
•    American Institute of Physics
•    Thermal Physics Org (Pierre-Marie Robitaille, Ph.D.)
   SEDS (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space)
•    The Nine Planets (multimedia tour)
•    The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Physics
•    American Chemical Society Web Pages
•    Physical Reference Data (NIST)
•    Entropy on the WWW (Info. Theory: Claude Shannon)
•    The Net Advance of Physics (Norman Redington)
•    Science: Beyond the Printed Page (AAAS)
•    (Halton) Arp's Catalog of Peculiar Galaxies
•    Common Sense Science (Ring model for the atom--Bergman, Barnes, Lucas and Son)
•    Radiocarbon WEB-info
•    PhysLINK: Physics, Engineering Science References
•    Robert Bass, PhD (Physicist)
•    Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
•    The Nine Planets
•    JPL SIR-C Radar Images
•    NASA/JPL Imaging Radar Home Page
•    U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
•    EROS Data Center (Released government satellite images)
•    USGS National Earthquake Information Center
•    LAEFF - Laboratory for Space Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics (Spain)
•    Hubble Space Telescope Favorites (1990-1995)
•    Space Telescope Electronic Information Service
•    Astronomy Picture of the Day
•    Star of Bethlehem Astronomy References
•    University of Arizona Astronomy
•    Astro-Link (Italy) (Astronomy)
•    The Astronomer Group (and Magazine) (UK)
•    American Astronomical Society and Astrophysical Journal
•    Prof. Louis Frank (small water comets)
•    The Pufferfish Observatory Home Page
•    Center for Mars Exploration (Gateway to numerous research resources on Mars)
•    Mars Anomalies (Stan McDaniel Report Newsletter)
   WWW Virtual Library:...Biosciences
•    Human Genome Project Information
•    The MTU Volcanoes Page
•    Sunspot Number
•    Directorate of Time (US Naval Observatory)

Leading-Edge Research, Controversial Science, Scientific Anomalies
•    The Electric Universe (Plasma Model of the Universe)
•      LUCAS, Charles W. Jr.The Universal Force.
•    The Thunderbolts Project (Exploring the Electric Universe)
•    Barry Setterfield Library on Cosmology and Physics
•    Alternative Science (Richard Milton)
•    The Immanuel Velikovsky Archive
•    Alternate View Physics by John G. Cramer (Alcubierre Warp Drive)
•    The Shroud of Turin
•    Tesla and Tesla Coils (Bill Beaty)
•    Bill Beaty: Anomalous Physics
•    Cliff Pickover's Encyclopedia of Hoaxes
•    The Source Book Project: Back Issues of Science Frontiers
•    The Anomalist
•    Meru Foundation (Stan Tenen's research into hidden codes in the Bible)
•    Biblioteca Arcana (ancient legends, divination, history)
•    The House of Ptolemy (Adam D. Philippidis)
•    Aeon: A Journal of Myth and Science (UK)
•    National UFO Reporting Center
•    Charles Johnson, Earth/MatriX
•    Cheryl Harleston, Lakota, the Wisdom Garden
•    La Chupacabra Home Page
•    News of the Weird (Chuck Shepherd, lawyer, former professor)
•    Ratbag Antiphysics Rag(Dissident Physics)
•    The Institute for New Energy
•    Gravitational Studies, Primo Galletti (Italy)
Archaeological Exploration and Treasure Hunting
•    The Original Sixteen to One (Gold) Mine
•    ISLAM and the BIBLE: Quranic Geography by Dan Gibson
•    ……  (many videos on Petra a the Holy City of Nabateans)
•    Sodom and Gomorrah
•    ….slides download
•          StevenCollins talk
•      Also see many youtube   tall Hammam  (SODOM dig)

     ADDITIONAL Archaeology sites
•    Franck Goddio Society (Mediterranean wrecks, lost cities).
•    Victorio Peak White Sands, NM, Ova Noss Treasure
•    Yamashita's Gold, Philippines, Bob Curtis
•    TreasureNet
•    International Treasure Hunters' Exchange
•    TTHN - Transnational Treasure Hunting
•    The Explorers' Home Page (Stan Grist)
•    Geoprobe - A Profession and a Philosophy (Paul H. Kronfield)
•    Today's Date -- Time (in all calendars of the world)
•    International Radar Consultants (Roger Vickers)
•    Northern Shipwrecks Data Base
•    Vendyl Jones Research Institutes
Newspapers and Periodicals
•    The Jerusalem Post
•    Jewish World Review
•    The Washington Times
•    San Jose Mercury News
•    The Gate: SF Chronicle and Examiner
•    The DFW Heritage(Texas Christian Newspaper)
•    Intelligence Web Report (IntelWeb)
•    On Religion Column, Terry Mattingly
•    Electronic Newsstand Homepage
•    CNN Interactive
•    Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
•    National Geographic
•    Scientific American
•    Artificia - Kol Israel News
•    PBS (Public Broadcasting System)
•    Discovery Channel Online
•    KQED (Broadcasting, NPR, San Francisco)
•    KKUP Radio (Cupertino/Santa Clara)
•    CIR Net (Live Christian Internet radio)
•    USA Network
•    British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Health and Nutrition ideas 
•   (explore the problem of mycotoxins)

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