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Philosophical Background

Chapter 1. Philosophical Background

Jesus Tells us, “If I have told you people about earthly things and you don’t believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things?” [ John 3:12]NET Bible

       Our critique of any “consensus” scientific theories sees the work in many cases as a “flawed Humanists effort”, attempting to either discredit the Word of God or to mock what He has written.  I am calling these false-science or at least incomplete theories and conjectures.  Most faculty are not deceiving students with malicious intent.  They are simply passing on what was taught to them.  Most know in their hearts God’s truth, perhaps the arguments we make here will be helpful.  They, in fact, all of us need Biblical knowledge and a questioning attitude.  They have a dogma that is very like a Theology----a Humanist Theology, which denies respect for the Word of God….denies scriptural authority.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,  so are my ways and my thoughts higher than yours” [Creator-God, (Isaiah 55:9KJV)]  
        While Science is a great profession. Proverbs 25:2 tells us ,”It is the glory of God to conceal a thing but the honor of kings is to search out a matter”[KJV]. I would argue that Historical Science is in most cases not of the observable and rarely “falsifiable”, as required by good science.  If you presuppose materialism is all there is and reject the teaching of the word of Creator-God who was there and did it, you start with false presuppositions and can never arrive at the truth.
Almost 50 years ago, just after my beautiful  wife divorced me while I was pursuing my PhD. I was jogging in the park and felt the warm sun on my face and a moment of understanding came upon me.  I suddenly understood how my Creator felt from my abandonment of Him. It was a profound moment in my life that shook me to the core.  This had happened to me for that very realization. An experience that always stays with a person. Events like this contribute greatly to one’s reality.
       True science is reality and Creator-God is reality, therefore true science is not man’s feeble imagination or his vain theories and philosophy but is a description of the knowledge of reality.
“Shall the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him?”[Job 40:2 KJV]
        Dear student, listen to your science professor/teacher carefully. Is what is presented representative of his training or is the teaching a question of theology where he has little or no training? The claim of secularism is that it (secularism) has no Theology. You will find by asking simple questions that that is not true! Are his/her comments about creation misquotations or out of context quotations from the Bible?  The professor’s world-view should be clearly presented so that bias can be understood.  If bias is hidden, why is that occurring.  The major struggle with scientific studies and statistics in scientific studies concerns removing bias. Your hearing should do the same. The next major problem in science is understanding all the presuppositions in the hypothesis or model under study. And finally all in the classroom should concern themselves with the solid rock of science, Logic.  Is the logic clear and correct? Consider the following contrast of what is a question of science:


         When a Humanist plays the “natural” card he is saying only man can know…man was not a witness of creation, and man’s information about reality is far from complete.

Even pure logic has a problem.  Robert B. Laughlin, who shares the Nobel Prize for his work on the quantum hall effect,  points out that all the fundamental laws of the Universe are not known.  We thought that Newton’s laws explained the universe but soon found that Newton’s laws are wrong for what is happening on the micro scale and in condensed matter.  Laughlin notes that ..”Human beings reason by analogy…when we say something is unreasonable we usually mean it is not suitably analogous to things we already know. Pure logic is a superstructure built on top of this more primitive reasoning facility and is thus inherently fallible.”   Strangely, Laughlin only identifies two scientists that were most logical when they were dealing with the unknown without analogy but these two Newton and Einstein believe in Creator-God so their reasoning from analogy began with Him, and therefore started without error. 

What is good science? Is evolution good science?

Dr Michael Ruse (ACLU & Florida State Prof. of Philosophy), probably the most eloquent evolutionist today says:
“Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more then mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion—a full fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality….Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.  

The following statements are [Modified from Warner Gitt’s paper: “In the beginning was information”  ]
The University is a place for an “Enterprise of ideas”   …where the student is free to select and reject from an entire spectrum when it is presented to him/her.
Lets look at another perspective in your training! Hopefully it will challenge your thinking.

    “Men Occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened” ( Winston Churchill).


If you start out with A false presupposition!!!!!
1.    There are an INFINITE (∞) number of FALSE conjectures that can explain the spaces in the datum.
2.    These probably only describe our ignorance to describe reality.
3.    There is only one conjecture that describes TRUTH.

I repeat: There is only one conjecture that describes TRUTH!
1.    That is: The probability that man, with a false presupposition would arrive at the truth approaches                 ZERO or 1/∞
2.    Therefore false presuppositions lead to false conjectures.

Is Science Based on Facts? Facts are REAL not imaginary.

YET is the SCIENCE taught on campus based on propositions that have evidence to support them?

FAITH-BASED propositions that can in no way be supported by evidence (suggested by Dinesh D’Suza)
A.    1.  The Universe is Rational
B.    2.  The Universe Obeys LAWS or the operations of the universe are describable in lawful terms.
C.    3. That the rationality of the external universe is mirrored within the rationality of our own minds (it matches).
(Speaking only to the Christians)
A.    Christians see God as Rational …our answer to presupposition 1
B.    Christians see God as the “Law Giver” so we understand Presupposition 2
C.    Christians see man as made in God’s image so that is our “spark of rationality”
D.    BUT if you are a secularists you can’t make any of these 3 assumptions
E.    You have to take the presuppositions on 100% FAITH.  Without that faith, modern Secular science would be completely impossible.  That means Secularists have their feet firmly planted in mid-air!
F.    THEREFORE: Atheist /secular Science must be completely Faith Based at the level of First Cause
G.    FAITH is amazingly big in Physics: Max Plank, the reluctant originator of quantum mechanics observed that “Over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: Ye must have faith”.  Of course in the quantum mechanical world, only populations of particle statistics works. (ie. The three body problem is unstable and fails miserably.)

No doubt the reason many of us arrive at “all truth is relative” as students:
A.    Is related to the large number of empty conjectures we are told or taught
B.    that come from a myriad of false presuppositions.
C.    Does that explain the disconnect between what we are often taught and our concern for the truth as well as our common sense?

It is never good science to ignore anomalous data or to eliminate a conclusion because of some presupposition.

Sir Henry Dale, one-time President of the Royal Society of London, made an important comment in his retirement speech: “Science should not tolerate any lapse of precision, or neglect any anomaly, but give Nature’s answers to the world humbly and with courage.” To do so may not place one in the mainstream of modern science, but at least we will be searching for truth and moving ahead rather than maintaining the scientific status quo. 

Begin with some simple questions……What? Why? How?












Fig 3.    Paleontologists say we have 5,000 years of Written History. {Fig.redrawn from Gitt, Warner. “In the beginning was information”]    What are the limits of mans knowledge discovered in this short period of time?

What is Science?
1.    Is science a search for real truth or true reality?
2.    Can real truth be known?
3.    Can science determine reality?
4.    Science is a middle English term (about AD 1660) from the Latin scientia, knowledge
            The stuff of science is information.

1.    The first researcher who tried to define information mathematically was Claude E Shannon
2.    Shannon’s theory of information has the advantage that different methods of communicating                      knowledge could be evaluated.
3.    He was the first to describe the unit of information as a bit.
4.    Disadvantage was that content and impact were not investigated

Today we are essentially taught:  RANDOM  = INFORMATION
Look at that equation carefully and think what it says……isn’t it clearly a contradiction?
For RANDOM by definition does not contain information! That is it is without informational content!
No one Can understand a contradiction. So it can be made a god (little g).
•    So it can be made the creator of a Self-Created Nature----AN IDOL
•    Just as Self-Creation …also a CONTRADICTION.
•    Something can’t BE and NOT BE at the same time

Think of The Theology of the Campus as an American Positivism philosophy turned into a religion which follows the logic of a Bill Maher,  Pseudo intellectuals who call themselves rational on the one hand yet call Christians as believing myths.

The Truth…VERITAS….  Is
Good science is a picture of the LORDS creative works and His Design.

Semantic Tricks of the Campus.
From a Biologists Perspective, the word should be two terms:
1.    Genetic Adaptation +  2.  Speciation (or creation of new Forms or Families)
Great Evidence exists for Genetic Adaptation, No Evidence for Speciation ( that scientists agree upon)

We should not allow such a poor term (evolution) to gum up good SCIENCE!
I have tried to lay out the interesting History that exposes both this term and the concept of Secularisms to our America.

“Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this:  that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,”  Jeremiah 9:23-24

Share your questions about God with the unbelievers.
Remember in Jeremiah 51:7 that the gold cup had something in it that made the nations mad (halal  #1984Strongs)  …to make a show to boast clamorously and foolishly, to rave, to celebrate, mad---to be against, to rage).
What is it that Babylon had that all nations drank…..Nimrod’s humanism, his false gods and idols,  there everywhere if you look, and they are the gods of your campus.
There are, in a very real sense, two natures within us, each warring with the other!  And all the battles and conflicts we see in the world are just extensions of that inner struggle playing itself out in seven billion human beings.

“The Cosmos is all that is, or was, or ever will be.”  Carl Sagan and Neil deGrasse Tyson.


Pantheist god in a box

Can Reality be found there?

Only within Sagan’s box

Or, instead of “the Force”, “the Moon god”, or any other of Nimrod’s inventions inside the cosmic cube of Carl Sagan, please find:
The transcendent holy and pure Creator-God within and without the boundaries of time and dimensions who tells us “…  That I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice, and righteousness on the earth, and for in these I delight,” [Jeremiah 9:23-24, KJV]


Lets define what we mean by “Science”
For the Creator, who is the very source of geometry and, as Plato wrote, “practices eternal geometry,” does not stray from his own archetype. [JOHNNES KEPLER, P1018.”Harmonies of the World”, by Johannes Kepler, tr. Charles Glenn Wallis]  
None of the processes of Nature, since the time when Nature began, have produced the slightest difference in the properties of any molecule.  We are therefore unable to ascribe either the existence of the molecules or the identity of their properties to the operation of any of the causes which we call natural. 
         Maxwell later said “What I thought of was not so much that uniformity of result which is due to uniformity of result which is due to uniformity in the process of formation, as a uniformity intended and accomplished by the same wisdom and power of which uniformity, accuracy, symmetry, consistency, and continuity of plan are….important attributes.   [Garber, E., et al (Eds.) Maxwell on Molecules and Gases (1986) MIT press, Cambridge Massachusetts.]
         Remember the laws of nature are originated by Creator-God and subsequently formulated by man by building models, speculations, hypothesis, and theories. The laws of nature can and will refute the formulations built by man. There is a very large gap between the laws of nature and all the scientific work of man. Physicists know a lot about matter, but the knowledge of information is relatively new. And the knowledge about life rests and interacts with both the knowledge of matter and information as Warner Gitt draws: 


Fig. 4







Only one law of nature about life is known it is the one Louis Pasteur pointed out. “Life only comes from life”.  Is that what you are being taught.  Man’s weak formulations will not last when they violate the laws of nature.
        A CD full of 700 MB of data doesn’t weigh any more then an empty CD. Information doesn’t weigh anything or occupy any space and therefore is quite separate from matter or energy and outside of time.

        Science today works for us because we are cognitively wired to be able to base our judgments on what has transpired during mans short-time here on earth. Our brain seems to be wired so that we quickly identify causal events and relate them to objects and create meaningful word symbols to manipulate our reality.  The apparent structure of our brains matches the apparent structure of our environment so things work well during the period of time that we are allowed to observe. However, we are given the “Word of God” that tells us that our experience in the “universe of Creator God”  is incredibly limited and therefore our ordered reasoning facilities are not so valuable in God’s time frame.  This is why the big bang and Darwinian speciation, the “rocks of pagan humanism” are of no value to us because we actually have no information on creation other than what is found in the bible. … observation of explosions that created order; no logic of “particles-two-man” reasoning, and no agreed on observation of one species  (of the millions that we see today)  becoming an other species.  We know that once  “El Nino” occurred in the Galapagos islands and extra food was available, Darwin’s finches interbred and were therefore not newly created species.  This was just foolish thinking from too short and observation period.  There is no way around Creator God!
         Science and those engaged honestly in the enterprise of Science deal exclusively with questions that are falsifiable, ie. They are capable of being disproved.  While science contains or seeks to contain a reasonable description of reality, it is a “moving train” that is always subject to alterations…..usually by small increments.  It tends to be the science of the local because the far events require un-provable assumptions (presuppositions) about light and time.  At its very fundamental we do not know beyond question what a photon is or even what an electron is even though we know enough to build smart phones.
         Causality in science is a search for relationships and the ultimate understanding of the world about us.  When we say a real truth that these must be a “first cause” we are clearly defining Creator-God. Many many scientists would agree with this statement, in fact it is the “default position” rather than the position suggested by your Prof.  When we assign the origins to any other we are practicing idolatry; attributing to honoring other things than the one true Creator.
          Even Carl Sagan, with his excellent imagination and exploration encouragement refused to identify the miracles of the creation of space and time.  The idea that “nothing” exploded and created the order we observe is absurd on its face and to call this event a “singularity” and therefore not reproducible, not observable, and only a matter of inference is amazing.  Hopefully the reader will note the misdirection of the ancient term “miracle” even found in Shakespeare (1564-1616) and Chaucer (1343-1400) and replace it as a pseudo-scientific term “singularity” may work for the mathematician but smacks of the ancient gods of Babylon.
          No other cosmogony explains the creation of time or the creation of space itself (“stretched out like a curtain by the Creator-God) as we have been notified by the more than 5 billion copies of His publication.  Why is That? Because the question of creation is not falsifiable and clearly not a question of science.  The scientific method requires falsifiability, otherwise a professor can claim there are no limits to what “science” contains and the word totally loses its meaning.  Science then becomes a tool of soothsayers and liars which is repugnant to all men and women of science.
          Steven Hawking wrote in “God created the Integers” that Pierre Simon Laplace explains the formation of planets and galaxies with his so-called “accretion” theory where:
         If a group of urns arranged in a circle each containing a random collection of white and black balls are mixed or randomized, one ball removed and placed in the neighboring urn and this continues over and over so that the random order of the balls (particles) will “eventually” approach an ordered collection of particles.  Laplace proves his theory mathematically and Hawking argues this proves the creation of the galaxies etc. Hawking then points out that Christians should take note of Laplace’s work as if he believes this is the answer to galaxy formation….(ie. Gravity replaced Creator-God).  
         That the one doing the mixing and moving to the next urn in the same direction has a purpose in his action as if he is an “agent” is obvious.  It describes what kind of actor . “Direction and purpose” are key terms of any underlying intelligent control system and are required descriptors of all physiological functions of life…..all under feedback control of some kind for stability.  The full argument that random is responsible for order is clearly false.  In fact, the simple relationship:
Random=Information is a direct contradiction as pointed out earlier, for random is without order and therefore without informational content other than the statement that no information is contained within its boundaries. Remember, a contradiction cannot be understood by anyone and therefore can be worshiped and embraced as the campus creator or creator-force.
        Watch a room full of physicist’s eyes glass over when equations with this contradiction is given representation (some of) their reality.  Random is key to the tools we use in statistics to identify probabilistic events with large populations so we can predict events as a likelihood or to describe population with mean and variance from that mean so we know location within a population.
         Mankind has developed very impressive statistics for risk, description, sorting, noise control, information processing, and much more, but none of these would infer that information is random. Stochastic events are real but to equate their random components as unique “information” as defined by the information scientist would be a fallacy.
         Origin Science. vs. Operational Science
         Historical Science vs. Observational Science

   “Science of the past” creates many major problems.  They are often so “fuzzy” that any process of refutation is difficult, and no one can revisit the conditions of the past to find a definitive solution or retest the problem in the precise previous conditions leaving the mass media to decide the popular view. Popper’s tests of science doesn’t work either. It can still have value, it is just not capable of the same level of confidence as “observational Science”. When we deal with Big Bang cosmology and Evolution conjectures we are clearly working in the arena of “Science of the Past”. Williams and Harnett point out that human nature will place most scientists on projects that require funding approval by those Senior scientists of the “ruling paradigm”. (ie. Big Bang, Global Warming, Evolution). So, “researchers will tend to try to refute conjectures within their favored paradigm itself…..conjectures within this framework will be subjected to experimental testing, but the framework itself will not be. Readers beware!”  

Naturalism as god?
Suppression of Truth disguised as Freedom on the campus
   Relative Truth: Science and Sanity, what is truth?
   The universe was created with truth not lies. Lies don’t work!  What is written in Creator-God’s Word is the truth that created both the universe and man.  Lies did not create anything, they only destroy! Reality is composed only of truth! Is that so hard to grasp? Error doesn’t work.
   The bible is not limited to your finite intellectualism, in fact it is spiritually discerned. If your god is subject to man’s secular science then I feel sorry for you. The bible proves God is God. 

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