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sample text: the Background Energy (ZPE)

•    ZPE-Background energy or “zwitterbewegung” Zero Point Energy found once all heat is removed from space. Suggested by Richard Feynman as equal to the Energy Density within an atom 10     -10      ergs per cubic centimeter. Say our sun radiates energy at the rate of 3.8 x 10     watts. Our galaxy has > 100 billion stars that may average the size of our sun, so the total radiant energy expended by our galaxy for 1 million years is the energy somehow locked up in 1cc of space. Continuously input into the 1 cc of space from what source? How many cc’ s do you occupy? Here we are operating before the face of Creator-God? (BEFOG).  If a identical signal is coming from ALL directions, a sensor will report no signal




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