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Text sample:Noah's Flood


The Flood of Noah's Day

Chapter 7. The Flood of Noah’s Day
   The layers of sedimentary rock throughout the world and the fossils among those layers present a challenge to science like no other. Einstein tells us that, “ Science is not and never will be a closed book. Every important advance brings new questions. Every development reveals, in the long run, new and deeper difficulties…..Without a belief that it is possible to grasp the reality with our theoretical constructions, without the belief in the inner harmony of our world, there could be no science.”   Scientists have constructed a false science based on a clever lie that the earth’s past must be viewed in terms of present day processes acting at present day rates, a rapidly failing theory called “uniformitarianism”. And that material processes by themselves can give life to all the living things we see today.  These old assumptions and presuppositions are collapsing as we open our minds to the “Days of Noah ” and what new understanding will help us with reality.

Evidence for the 8 and the world wide flood:
1.    The ancient Chinese ideograph for the word “boat” is a boat with 8 souls. Meaning the ancient person that founded the Chinese language knew Genesis 6.

Sedimentary Data support for the Global Flood
   Sedimentary rock is formed when sediment is deposited by water flows, air, ice, wind, or gravity.  Most often when materials settle out of suspension. For example, the Grand Canyon’s Coconino sandstone alone continues across Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Kansas covering 200,000 square miles with a volume of aprox. 10,000 cubic miles while adding that on the European, Asian Continent, and seafloor, sedimentary rock covering 70% of the earth’s surface. How did it get there?
Note: 73% of earth’s current land surface is covered with sedimentary rock.

2.    Rock formation exposed in the Grand Canyon shows a Sedimentary “Permian Coconino Sandstone that extends laterally for hundred to thousands of miles in both directions with amazing uniform microscopic and macroscopic properties. [ 
3.    Global Sedimentary Rock formations. German Triassic: Keuper, Muschelkalk, and Bunter, also found across Europe from England to Bulgaria and in North America on the eastern seaboard as well as across Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. We are referring to both the Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations. .
4.The absence of erosional channels at boundaries between these sedimentary units suggest a single continuous cataclysm.   
   In 1983 a young astrophysics graduate student at UCLA named John R. Baumgardner choose to do his PhD dissertation on 3 dimensional modeling of the thermal flow, heat flow in the mantel of the earth.   It so happens that this study would lead to a reasonable scientific explanation of the deep opening up to initiate the flood of Noah.   An explanation that includes the columns and layers deposited catastrophically in 1 year not over billions of years. Mocking sir Charles Lyell’s “columns” of Neo-Darwinian uniformitarianism. As well explaining a mechanism for the movement of a united “Pangaea” continent moving in perhaps as short as one year to the continents we see today. A good dissertation question is a life-long problem for most of us.  Baumgardner subsequently published his work in 1985 in the Journal of Statistical Physics 39:(5) 501-511 as a model of 3 dimensional convective flow in the earth’s mantle.  “The earth’s mantle is modeled as a thick spherical shell with isothermal ( constant temperature) and free slip boundaries.” The definition of “Convective Flow” is the movement caused within a fluid by the tendency of hotter and thereby less dense material to rise and colder, denser material to sink under the influence of gravity, which consequently results in the transfer of heat.  Many definitions say it’s a circular motion.
   Then in August 9, 2003 Baumgardner presented his “Catastrophic Plate Tectonics: The Physics Behind the Genesis Flood.  He reported new computational results from 2-D and 3-D simulations of the catastrophic process during the most extreme part of the runaway causing the global flood.  To understand this paper, 5 key concepts must be grasped.
   1.  Denser (heaver) rocks sinks
   2.  Gravitational body forces acting on the slab lead to high stresses
   3.  As the slab sinks, gravitational potential energy is released in the form of heat
   4. Greater heating = weakening of the rock can lead to increased sinking rate that leads to increased heating and so on in a positive feedback mechanism driving a runaway condition. The sinking rate increases from a finger nail growth rate of inches per year to the velocity of 5 MPH!
   5. Olivine is a reasonable representative of the mantle rock. A group of silicate rock-forming minerals of olive-like colors (green to black), with a name that reminds us of “the place of Olive Crushing” or Gethsemane.
   Baumgardner tells us in a wonderful essay, part of essays collected from 50 scientists “In Six Days”   “Just as there has been glaring fraud in things biological for the past century, there has been fraud in things geological.  The error in a word, is uniformitarianism.  The outlook assumes that the earth’s past can be correctly understood purely in terms of present day processes acting at more or less present day rates…..they have ignored that the planet has suffered major catastrophe on a global scale”
   Baumgardner tells us, “The reason most researchers in the mainstream geophysics community didn’t see the dramatic runaway solutions is because  “a deformation law that accommodates realistic levels of weakening has yet to be included in their models”.    This thermal runaway of, “with more heat we get more heat and with more weakening we get more weakening” follows from recent data on the properties of silicate rock.  A key paper supporting this is work by Kirby, 1983 where he shows reduced silicate rock strength by 10 or more orders of magnitude ( a billion times) without the material ever reaching its melting temperature.  The Gravity of the earth is enough to do the heating once the runaway starts.
   While the computer model that the U.N. decided to move the world into “Global Warming” could be run on your X-Box, Baumgardner’s models used his own famous Fortran Finite element analysis program called “Terra” that has 1,377,000 cells in a mesh that defined the relationship of the elements and nodes representing the entire mantle of the earth. Elements must capture the dominant actions of the actual system both logically and globally. When nodes move or displace they drag the elements along in a certain manner. The system could only run on a Cray X or faster system.  Today Baumgardner’s “Terra” is used in many applications. The French and Germans use it to forecast the weather.


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