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•    Acceptance-Embracing people for who they are, not necessarily for what they say or do. (NOT the postmodern definition: Endorsing and even praising others for their beliefs and lifestyle choices.) 1
•    Agape-Greek for self-sacrificing Love.  The love a husband is to have for his wife, willing to die for her and to give up what is important to him for her. Notice love is not a “ mere feeling” but ACTIONS.  The kind of love Creator-God has for man in giving up the life of his only begotten Son (Himself) so that man can live forever by accepting this incredible gift. Christ’s love for his Bride, the Church. Once you understand the Agape Creator-God has for you, you will agape Him and become a child of the “most high God”.
•    Angels-Angelic Creatures individually created by God for his service.
•    Arian Controversy- First occurred when the theological teaching of Arius of Alexandria Egypt claimed that Jesus was not God but a created being. Resolved at the Council of Nicaea in 325AD, which affirmed that Jesus is God of the Father-Son-Holy Spirit Trinity.  All religions that deny this (ie. Unitarian, Jehovah Witness, Islam, etc.) therefore are worshiping an idol that is not the one true Creator-God but a god man has invented.
•    Babylonianism-They involve a seeking of earthly power or status gained by religious authority. That is Babylonianism. That is what first arose in the city by the Euphrates -- a search for earthly power and glory by religious means. The Tower of Babel was built unto heaven, and the people said, "We will make a name for ourselves." That is Babylonianism. (Ray Steadman)
•    Christianity-Begins with a relationship with Creator-God with those He has created through their acceptance of his gift of Himself, His Son Jesus Christ, sacrificed for their sin (missed the mark) against Him. His word is the Bible that is God-breathed through the 40 writers of these 66 books that is an integrated message system from outside of time published in more than 5 billion copies throughout the world. We are without excuse when we walk away from His Gift of Himself for our redemption. Christians recognize that Jesus Christ is Creator-God, a Trinity of Father-Son-Holy Spirit…..The One and only God.
•    Cosmos- Organized System, a cosmos is an orderly or harmonious system. It originates from the Greek term κόσμος (kosmos), meaning "order".
•    Creator-God-The One who created time, space, the heavens, the earth and all things.  Who loves us so much He has written the Bible as “God Breathed” through 40 authors to describe himself to us. He validates His word by telling us what will happen before it happens, showing us He exists outside of time. He has published His word throughout a dark world 5 Billion times at least. He tells us we are in three parts, a body, spirit and soul and his word is food for our spirit We are here for knowledge and understanding, His good pleasure, realizing we must turn from our self-centered wicked ways and worship Him in spirit and in truth….to be redeemed from death by the complete work of His only Son Jesus (the one called the Messiah). He demands we turn from our wicked ways, accept the incredible gift He has given us for complete payment for our sins by Messiah and worship and serve no other gods. He said He has searched heaven and found no other God. ( If we could completely understand Him with our water based brains He would not be Creator God.) If we don’t know why we weigh anything or what an electron and a photon are we are most likely at the early beginning of understanding what he has created.
•    Culture- a meaning system that tells us what to do. Science does not give value systems or tell us what to do so beliefs are central…explicit value system.  Once we wake up and put out feet on the floor, the grand descriptive science has nothing to say to tell us what to do, while our cultural beliefs do.
•    Deconstructionism-A philosophy that has infected most of our institutions. It teaches that words have no objective content and therefore words have no truth. Therefore, if truth cannot be assigned to words, then we can make words mean anything we want them to.  We no longer have to be concerned with objective truth, with true truth. Each of us can invent our own truth, our own reality; I can lie and call it truth if it gets me what I want. We can deconstruct the Word or Logos of Creator-God (the Bible) and empty it of all truth….so the words of Jesus would make no sense to deconstructionists……they say the wisdom of this world cancels out the Logos of God, portraying the Word of God as empty and meaningless. “You have your truth,” says the wisdom of this world, ”and I have my truth… don’t you dare impose your truth on me!”.2
•    Devolution-Negative evolution seems to be occurring in which many species are losing in their fitness.  There is no evidence that mankind is not losing some of his smarts either.  Notice how few Newton’s and Einstein’s are appearing.  It now seems it takes a group not an individual to see new things that others have not seen. If as some speculate, we have 200 errors/generation in the Human genome one can wonder how long the devolution will continue.  It is obvious to a Christian that our Creator-God would not allow things to continue that long…the point where we could no longer comprehend Him with our water-based brain.
•    Demon-Behind every False-god is a Demon, one of the third of the angles of heaven who fell with the Father of Lies, Lucifer, Part of the Principalities and Powers mankind is at war with that the Jewish Messiah will remove at his coming.
•    Dewey, John-rejected both Creator-God and the Bible in favor of Darwinian Evolution and pragmatic Humanism.  He may have written a significant part of the Humanist Manifesto. Many (and the NEA) see him as the father of public education in the USA. He did all he could to remove the idea of the “good and moral” behavior prescribed by Creator-God for an “Experimental method that treats norms as hypothesis to be tested, in light of their widest consequences for everyone.”[ ] Refusing to recognize that man and Dewey himself had a black heart with dark intent against the Word of Creator-God, he opened up American Society to such totally bogus works as the “Kinsey Report of the sexual practices” (disseminated by Playboy Magazine) of what he claimed was the American Population when Kinsey had in fact studied a most bizarre and non-representative population. One is reminded of Dave Kerouac’s “On The Road: the Beat Generation” of the late fifties where we were encouraged to experiment to find the path. However experimental education never finds peace anymore than discontent. Dewey can be quoted on both side of key educational arguments. For him nothing was constant, given, or finally true (an enemy of true science). Instead “ all things were pragmatic, adaptable, and subject to whatever reinterpretation seemed appropriate for the day and the hour”.[Breese,Dave. Seven men who ruled the world from the grave”. Moody publishers, Chicago, 1990,p157] Dewey said schools were for the production of “social change”. They have obviously adopted his teaching! He implied he would move the world away from the supernatural or Creator-God.  Dewey, the preacher of this strange religion has indeed done that.
•    Evolution- a unstable theory or better an unsubstantiated conjecture about the past treated incorrectly as a theory of everything best characterized as containing 2 hidden terms; 1) Genetic Adaptation-which best fits the data as slow changes over time within species. and 2) Speciation-the creation of all species from one species after the spontaneous generation of life from dead matter, requiring the contradiction that:
   RANDOM = INFORMATION, which cannot be understood by anybody and is therefore the basis of many belief systems or religions invented by humans since the time of Nimrod in Babylon.
•    Evolutionary Conservation- about 200 genetic errors occur spontaneously in each generation, randomly changing the amino acid sequences of proteins. Individuals with mutations that impair critical functions of proteins may have resulting problems that make them less able to reproduce. Harmful mutations are lost from the gene pool because the individuals carrying them reproduce less effectively. Over time, only harmless (or very rare beneficial) mutations are maintained in the gene pool. This is evolution (actually devolution). However the frequency of beneficial mutations has always been observed to be 0 or negative, creating a very big problem for the 19th century humanistic theory. Truth is slain in the streets!

•    Epistemology of TRUTH-The concern is regards truth and lies or something masquerading as truth that is not. We must begin with the identification of truth to have any truth at all.  Truth had a beginning as did Lies.





•    False-gods-idols that steal the honor and glory due Creator-God causing us to face the destruction of both out souls and bodies. Will find their fate in the bottomless pit and the lake of fire.
•    Fallen Angels- about 1/3 of Creator-God’s individually created angels chose to follow Lucifer-Satan. They are angels of the darkness, demonic forces in ranks called principalities and powers directed by their leader Satan and behind all false gods and idols. Will find the fate in the bottomless pit and the lake of fire.

•    Final Reality-Either 1. An infinite Creator-God.
   Or 2. Material and energy which has always existed, shaped into its present form only by pure chance. Where there is no meaning for life, no value system, and no basis for law and therefore man must be the measure of all things leading to Humanist idolatry.

•    First Cause- What initiated the beginning. First motion of creation.
•    Freedom- Being free to do what you know you ought to do. (NOT the postmodern definition: Being able to do anything you want to do.) 1
•    Gene regulatory sequence-A part of a DNA molecule that binds a gene regulatory protein.
•    Genetic adaptation –Long term within species genetic changes in response to the environment. Complete agreement with the data exists. The accepted half of the theory of evolution. See: speciation
•    Genotype-The fundamental genetic constitution of an organism comprising genes from both parents.
•    Highly conserved-Term used to characterize proteins that have little differences within the animal kingdom. Presumably because of their fundamental importance for the life of cells.
•    Homeostasis-The maintenance of uniformity or stability in the organism by coordinated physiological processes (usually negative feedback control systems).It appears 800 or more constants, and parameters are operating here.
•    Humanism-The man is the measure of all things.  If the Final Reality is “Material and energy” always existing, shaped into its present form only by pure chance. Contrast with a Final Reality in which there is an infinite Creator-God (as in Christianity). [Francis A. Schaeffer]
•    Humanist Idolatry- Where the final Reality is material and energy which has always existed, shaped into its present form only by pure chance. Where there is no meaning for life, no value system, and no basis for law and therefore man must be the measure of all things.
•    Idolatry-Anything that removes or detracts from the glory of the one true God----the Creator of everything. More specifically, Paying obeisance to or worshipping in any way or attributing to something else that which is due God.
•    Information-something that people can learn, know about, and understand. It does not occupy space or weight anything and is thus outside of time, yet may be time-stamped or time-limited somehow. The key to the value of information is its veracity or truth. Note that a empty DVD and a DVD with gigabytes of information weigh the same yet the information has changed the disk. Creator-God tells us that heaven and earth will pass away but His (Jesus) Word will exist forever.[Matt 24:35] Indicating the staying power of the Truth.
•    Intron-segment of a non-coding DNA in a eukaryotic gene that is transcribed but is then excised from the primary transcript. Also called intervening sequence.
•    Junk DNA-an evolutionary term referring to a region of DNA for which no known function has been found. However Embryologically active segments are starting to be discovered raising doubts on the empty evolutionary term.
•    Lie-a known falsehood, usually given to deceive.
•    Love- The word "love” as taught usually has a deceptive meaning similar to that described by the Oxford Universal Dictionary (1933) “in the U.S. a frequent vulgarism for “like”.  That we should use the same word for ice cream that we use for our wife or child or Creator-God demonstrates a major weakness in the English language.  Look at the definition above of “Agape” and see what we mean. Jesus taught us that the entire law is based on 2 “loves”. The love of Creator-God and the love of our neighbor. However the word is best represented by the Greek word Agape. That love is not “feelings” but ACTIONS.
•    Materialism-The doctrine that material reality is the ONLY reality. As defined by California’s Willie Brown, “If I can’t eat it, wear it, drive it, or make love to it I’m not interested in it”. In essence noting that if I can’t actually see it, touch it, or make use of it in some way then it doesn’t exist. It’s all just neurons firing in your cortex and spinal column and there is no “mystery” to life, “its all basic and scientific.” A manner of expression indicating a total lack of spiritual understanding or concern. The doctrine of Materialism cannot be proven. Unfortunately it is not a scientific conclusion but a scientific presupposition not discovered in nature but imposed upon nature and therefore an article of FAITH! Apparently because there is no math yet invented to represent something non-material, scientists are afraid to address it. Yet most humans believe non-material exists.
•    Moral Judgments-Certain things are morally right and wrong as determined by Creator-God. (NOT the postmodern definition: We have no right to judge another person’s view or behavior.) 1
•    Nature- The physical component of Creator-God’s Creation comprising the entire universe and its physical makeup and the laws that govern its physical operation along with its embedded control systems. It is below or inferior to His spiritual Creation, which is not immediately discernible by our water based brains.
•    Natural Selection- Implying a “selector” as a deception designed to replace the creationists “Divine Watchmaker” with what is supposed to be an impersonal force like a ghost that is an external agency of some type that disintegrates under scrutiny…unless Darwin gave “selection” omnipotent power embarrassing evolutionists in the process.
•    Naturalism- The doctrine that nature is all there is .The doctrine of Naturalism cannot be proven. Unfortunately, it is not a scientific conclusion but a scientific presupposition not discovered in nature but imposed upon nature and therefore an article of FAITH! ! Apparently because there is no math yet invented to represent something non-material, scientists are afraid to address it. Yet most humans believe non-material exists.

•    NIMROD- Noah’s grandson, Ham’s son. First man given the title king or Moleck and deified as Marduk which degenerated to many pagan god names ie. Enki, Apsu, Astalluhii,  Acsculapius, Chinon/Centar, Tital/Atlas, Bel/Baal, Nabul/Nebo, Apollo/Nabul, Hermes, Mars, Orion, Ninus, was claimed to be reincarnated in Astarte’s (Semiramis) womb to Tammuz.

•    Noah- A man, who along with his wife and three sons and their wives are the progenitors of all living today. Chosen by Creator-God to perpetuate mankind and witness to those that follow of His marvelous work.  The world no doubt had many millions, perhaps billions of people and a culture that had willfully walked away from their Creator filling the earth with “violence”.  Creator-God hit the reset button and the enormous reserves of water hidden in the earth as well as 40 days of deluge flooded the entire earth such that we find sea shells on Mt. Everest. The mass of water greatly interacted with plate tectonics and magnetic phenomena to change the world to the form we see today.[Google John Baumgardner PhD, noted in the US News and World Report as “the world’s preeminent expert in the design of computer models for geophysical convection”.[Burr, Chandler. 8 June, 1997 “The geophysics of God: a scientists embraces plate tectonics-and Noah’s flood” pp55-58]]

•    Pantheism- The belief that God is everything or all things are God! Identified as a Heresy and contrary to the Bible.
•    Personal Preference-Preferences of color, food, clothing style, hobbies, etc., are personally determined.(NOT the postmodern definition: Preferences of sexual behaviors, value systems, and beliefs are personally determined.) 1
•    Personal Rights-Everyone has the right to be treated justly under the law.(NOT the postmodern definition: Everyone has the right to do what he or she believes is best for himself.) 1
•    Progress-(A) improved quality of life through scientific discovery and application. Does not involve, and may indeed interfere with soul and spirit progress and peace. Wealth can possibly cause a person mistakenly to rely upon his resources rather then commune with his Maker, leading to his complete destruction in the end.(B) in terms of evolutionary progress, falsely labeled scientific progress, a religious Humanistic belief that organisms trend toward improvement or “better” above their given genetic capacity to adapt to a environment through “evolution”. That mankind is getting “better and better” is not supported on moral terms at all. War, strife, and conflict is not changing since the beginning of time. If a man or woman finds himself with Creator-God at the end of time then he/she has indeed progressed toward eternal life, something that can be known assuredly in this life if He becomes “Born Again” by the action of the Holy Spirit of Creator-God [John 3:5].
•    Question of Science-a question that is or can be falsifiable by objective evidence, observable, with non-contradiction in its logic of inquiry. True Science describes reality and is not a part of the description of the Creation of Creator-God. These questions are limited to physical reality, with no tools to describe non-physical reality or unobservable events. If events are unobservable, then only “best guess” or Abduction the lowest level of logic can be applied and testing will be nonexistent, leading to error or a high probability of misleading statements and description.
•    Question of Theology-inquiring about Creator-God (Theos) or the study of His writings. Christianity describes the Word or the Logos as The Christ.  For the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:1) The Creator of the universe can get the ink on the page correct. ie. The original writing of the Bible is without error and is timeless for “He comes in the volume of a book” and is not to be taken lightly.

•    Random- without informational content. Helpful in working with probability as a reference for no relationship, pattern, predictability, or purpose. In random selection, equal probability of being selected is considered random assignment.
•    REALITY- Things as they actually exist. Especially as described by one in a position to describe things as they are, namely Creator-God.
•    Respect-Giving due consideration to others beliefs and lifestyle choices without necessarily approving them. (Not the postmodern definition: Wholeheartedly approving of others’ beliefs or lifestyle choices) 1
•    Relative Truth-Denies that the human mind has the capacity to arrive at Real Truth or absolute truth. Since Jesus Christ said he “was the Truth”, relative truth denies Him, and thereby prevents accepting Him and His gift of eternal life.  A fatal flaw in life…a very fatal flaw in thinking leading to moral relativism and the acceptance of things that are an abomination to Creator-God who defines what is right and good and moral for all mankind.  Relative truth is given many descriptors by anthropologists and sociologists in a blind attempt to remain neutral when describing a culture, leading to the false conclusion that what is true depends on the culture or the person, a fatal flaw in logic. An individual believing he can make up his own good and morality, believes himself a god.
•    Religion- A set of beliefs, actions, and emotions, both personal and corporate, organized around the concept of an Ultimate Reality.   This Reality may be understood as a unity or a plurality, personal or non-personal, divine or not, and so forth, differing from religion to religion. [Peterson, Michael William Hasker, Bruce Reichenbach, and David Basinger. “Reason and Religious Belief: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion”, NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1991, p4 Italics removed]
•    Satan-Lucifer-Lucifer, the name given to the angel second only to Creator-God, and initially head angel “lightbearer”, son of the morning in Isaiah 14:12 who said he will be “like the Most High “endowed with the privilege and responsibility of self-determination---Creator-Gods gift of “free will” changed through Pride in himself by centering his wisdom and understanding on himself and not Creator-God…. is called Satan and the Devil ( and 40 other titles) becoming Creator-God’s Adversary who will face final judgment and be destroyed in the end along with about 1/3 of the angels created initially. It appears there is a demon, a servant of Satan’s, behind each idol. In contrast, “Holy” Angles are “ministering spirits to the Heirs of Salvation (Heb 1:14)” of Creator-God that interact so wonderfully with man and the children. Much of this operation in the spiritual realm is veiled to us but the fact is that Satan endeavors to defeat Christ’s earthly ministry but Jesus Triumphed over him and over the darkness of this world will play out as we come to the end of time or end of the age. When we live our lives in pain and suffering and what seems with few gifts from Creator-God  yet still honor and Love Him, we are as Job, executing the greatest Honor of our Maker and proving Satan a lier.
   Secular-(A) of this world (not of Creator-God)
(B) excluding religion. If religion refers to all theology in which the god worshipped requires man to do acts and rituals to gain his/her favor and thereby win heaven as a consolation; but if it includes Christianity as a non-religion but a “relationship” with Creator-God then this form of secular has value to mankind! Originally a religious word, “secular” priests lived outside the convent.
•    Speciation – generation of new species from an original species.  No agreement on this process exists.  No observations and no convincing data to support.  An unsubstantiated conjecture about the past. The first half of the so called theory of evolution. See: genetic adaptation
•    Theistic Religion-Man’s attempt to reach up to God by various means ie. rites, sacrifices, etc. Contrast with Christianity: Creator-God reaching down to man by offering His only Son Jesus as payment for our sins against Him…therefore Christianity is a relationship and to be distinguished from all other religions. It could be that it is misclassified as a religion intentionally by those misdirecting their students or as a administrative convenience
•    TOLERANCE- Accepting others without agreeing with or sharing their belief or lifestyle choices. (not the postmodern definition: Accepting that each individual’s beliefs, values, lifestyles, and truth claims are equal)1
•    TRUTH- An absolute standard of right and wrong, correct and incorrect. (NOT the postmodern definition: Whatever is right for you) 1
•    Violence- of today and Noah’s day. Genesis 6:11 the Hebrew word for “violence” refers elsewhere to a broad range of crimes that include unjust treatment, injurious legal testimony, cruelty, cruel hatred, deadly assault, murder, and rape.
•    World View-consists of our most basic assumptions or presuppositions about reality. They cannot be proved by something else because they are the most foundational. We usually hold them to be unquestionable.
•    Worship-To honor or revere as a supernatural being or power or as a holy thing; to adore with appropriate acts, rites, or ceremonies…to regard with extreme respect or devotion (1720). To salute, bow down to –(1737). To invest with or raise to honor or repute; to confer honor or dignity upon-(1601)[Universal Oxford dictionary 1933]
•    Zarathustra-Friedrich Nietzsche’s name for the first Zoroaster or Nimrod who introduced the concept of the Ubermensch or “superman” in his book “Thus Spake Zarathustra” considered the forerunner of modern existential thought.
•    ZPE-Background energy or “zwitterbewegung” Zero Point Energy found once all heat is removed from space. Suggested by Richard Feynman as equal to the Energy Density within an atom 10^98-10^114 ergs per cubic centimeter. Say our sun radiates energy at the rate of 3.8 x 10^20 watts. Our galaxy has > 100 billion stars that may average the size of our sun, so the total radiant energy expended by our galaxy for 1 million years is the energy somehow locked up in 1cc of space. Continuously input into the 1 cc of space from what source? How many cc’ s do you occupy? Here we are operating before the face of Creator-God? (BEFOG) If an identical signal is coming from ALL directions, a sensor will report no signal.

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