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Chapter Samples


       Historic records tell us Moses collected information that explains control of earth’s weather by Creator-God. He writes that man was so full of violence and so full of himself that only eight people had a relationship with God and were righteous. They were the only ones left on the earth out of many billions! Think of that. Only eight people believed in and trusted their creator and recognized that He was in control.
       Scientific archaeology and paleontology studies of Earth today describe how God’s wrath controlled the weather and re-surfaced the entire planet. Noah describes how this happened in Genesis. God said, “I am the light of the world”.
       From my and many scientist’s point of view, the most admired scientist is Isaac Newton. He had three great fascinations; gravity, light, and the Bible.
       He wrote the first useful equations for gravity…remember Newton’s apple. And he made great strides in the study of light. But it is significant to know he spent his last 40 years of life in dedicated Bible study and producing a timeline from the Bible.  
       For many years America was dedicated to God’s laws. However, we are now a nation divided by our failure to recognize that truth lies in the Bible and science.
The Partisan Divide and Two Constitutions. How did that happen?
       In Alexis De Tocqueville’s wonderful description in Democracy in America he wrote, ”Men will not learn the truth from their enemies and it is not often enough offered by their friends;”
       Christopher Caldwell, a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, wrote The Roots of our Partisan Divide. He made the case that today we have a Constitution produced by our founding fathers and a 2nd Civil Rights Constitution produced in a very different manner. It was developed in response to “civil emergencies,” resulting in abrupt changes driven by bureaucratic fiat and judicial decree. Judges and legislators who replaced the first Constitution were predominately lawyers.
       If we consider Jefferson, Adams, Madison, and all of America’s first citizens we must ask what “law and morality” was in their minds. The only law in existence at that time was the Common Law of England. It was sharply codified into 4 books by Sir William Blackstone, all carefully based on the laws and rights of the Bible. The new dean of America’s premier law school at Harvard, Christopher Columbus Langdell (1826-1906), decided to modernize and create a new way to teach students out of whole cloth using Hegelian Dialectic materialism, a relatively low level of analysis. He was driven to remove the common law of Blackstone and the Word of God from teaching law. The brutal “Case System” of instruction was instituted. This requires that law students know an imponderable volume of cases. This overwhelmed them in the beginning. This began use of a relative floating morality when compared to Blackstone.
       The doctrine of “Stare decisis” (ruling based on previous case law) likely goes back as far as the Roman courts. It resonates today as a way that seems to “stabilize” the law. At the time of the change, many judges argued for the status quo. This insured the change to Langdell’s anti-Christian case law philosophy. Today this process of thinking in line of Langdell’s religious position is embedded in our judges and legislators.
       Consider the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings of Robert Bork. He was a highly qualified jurist. He was cleverly destroyed in 1987 by Chairman Joe Biden and a TV-produced speech opposing him by Ted Kennedy, the “Lion of the Senate”. Kennedy attacked the “Doctrine of Originalism and judicial restraint” that Judge Bork supported.
       Originalism has the Declaration of Independence wording that refers to the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”. A direct quote from Blackstone is: “Man, considered as a creature, must necessarily be subject to the laws of his Creator, for he is entirely a dependent being. And consequently, as man depends absolutely upon his Maker for everything, it is necessary that he should in all points conform to his Maker’s will. This will of his Maker is called the law of nature. The law of nature co-exists with mankind and is dictated by God Himself. It is superior in obligation to any other. It is binding over all the globe, in all countries, and at all times; no human laws are of any validity, if they are contrary to this….”
       Where does a nation go blindly when anti-God division drives us apart? To analyze this we need to look again at what went wrong and how much harm was done. False science explains creation and the operation of the universe without a full deck. This has given us poor results on our nation and our world. We feel momentary joy for the comfort and convenience we achieved, but failure to follow Gods precepts has caused great harm and do not look good at all for our future.
       In this book I suggest that we begin with God’s Word for justice, as our Forefathers did, and as well as science. I’ll offer you suggestions from God’s Word. I’ll hint where many others have spoken up. I’ll name some of them later, and describe their position where that is appropriate.
Light and Gravity 
Let’s start with an exposition of light and gravity. Ask yourself if they are closely related, then ask yourself why they can’t be separated. To begin:
       1.    God created all the particles in the universe 
       2.    All these particles He created move, as all particles have information to show their location, their direction, and changing movement.
       3.    Each particle had reason to exist. Each one follows the purpose and direction God gave them. No matter what they’re doing, God tells us He will ultimately bring everything together for “good for those who love Him". He can be trusted to do that.
       Control systems have both purpose and direction. Science defines light as having electro-magnetic properties and a waveform. Light carries informationj as does everything in the universe. 
       Let’s enlarge our definition of light to match the term first used by God and the Bible. That one uses the symbol for eternity, the aleph (), and call it an electrodynamic phenomenon. Then “light”, used that way, includes all electrodynamic phenomena. Consider that one of the best ideas for gravity is; it is an exceptionally weak “lateral corkscrew” electrodynamic attraction that is radiated from all matter. (For more, read Charles W. Lucas).
       If you accept that Gravity and Light are linked and can’t be separated is true, then you know of three properties of gravity with certainty:
       1. It cannot be shielded by anything we know.
       2. This force falls off as 1/r2 (the inverse of the distance separating objects squared).
       3. This force is only an attractive force. It is 1 x 10-40 (40 zeroes right of the decimal point) as the forces holding atoms together atomic forces 
       God tells us He “holds everything together”. The verb “to hold together” is an action by God that is continuous. This has a proof stated 2,000 years ago in the Bible;
In Colossians 1:17; “And he is before all things and in him all things hold together.” and in Hebrews 1:1-4; “1. In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2. but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. 3. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. 4. So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.”
       Science tells us that this weak force is diminishing. At present, this force gives a 24 inch/year increase in the earth’s radius. This can result in great stress on the earth’s crust which is quite stiff. That can lead to tectonic plate activity.
       If this is true cracks should be found on earth, the Moon, Mars, Ganymede, and the smaller of Gods planets. God has complete control over this force as when tectonic activity initiated a 40-day flood in Noah’s time. This flood changed the entire earth’s surface and created geography we see today. (reference John Baumgardner) .
             If the Lord is the “light” of the universe, and He is, He controls all electrodynamic forces. That includes “charge”, light, gravity, and all               carriers of information.
              Light generated by man is given another term in the Bible (yapa (3313). Job 10:27 “…where even the light is like darkness”.
              Is that because mankind has this divine-like quality to convey truth and to illuminate something?
I am not absolutely sure what He means, but when He tells us we are made in his image, what is He saying?
However, He tells us His Son ”is His Express Image”. That implies irradiation by light of some kind, or at least involves the terms we attempt to describe here.
Among the stars, a far more powerful force than gravity is the power of charge attraction and repulsion.
       So what is “charge”?
       When charge particles get very close to each other, electric field strengths become enormous (. [Jackson, John David “Classical Electrodynamics ”, page 9).
       That means that as the energy grows larger and larger, the charge gets more and more localized. 
       When we study charge we may find ourselves really in the weeds. Electric and magnetic properties of matter are tremendously diverse. Crystalline solids have significant electric and polarizations even without applied fields. In addition to the charge present in plasmas (remember that plasmas make up most of the bulk of the universe). The charges in the plasma are what makes it a plasma. The result is that we find charge concepts, charge movement, and acceleration are one of the greatest challenges of modern science.
       John David Jackson tells us that polarization and other mechanisms are needed in addition to other exchange forces to keep a charge in place or stabilize it (Jackson page 756).
       When I built my first antenna as a ham radio amateur  I learned that it was the acceleration of charge in the wire or metal of my antenna that produced the electro-magnetic radio waves my friends received miles away.
       I struggled with the concept that an atom with the acceleration of the electron charge around all atoms somehow gave off “Larmor radiation” and thereby was losing energy and tumbling into the nucleus unless they were somehow pumped up by a precise amount of energy that kept them at the Bohr radius (average radius) of each element.
       What? Amazing intelligence keeps each element unique! Knowing the background energy contains information that just a precise energy is needed is quite amazing!
       God amazes me in both His mighty power and in unbelievably subtle control He exercises on each atom and molecule.
       “Charge” is described in most books as “an infinitesimal point as an electron”. The Copenhagen version of quantum mechanics axioms or postulates tell us that all particles are ”point oscillator “ (infinitesimal). That leads to a non-physical mathematical-statistical interpretation of the universe that disagrees with the well-established law of cause and effect.
       If the purpose of science is to explain facts in terms of causes we all lose using this approach.
       Charles W. Lucas proposes that we look at the structure of an electron and a proton first, then derive performance terms that are not probabilistic at the outset. (See Lucas’s “The Universal Force”, page 49).
       He is not the first to propose we take care to describe the scientific method more like the thought processes described by Isaac Newton and Poincare.

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